
Watu Honey Collection: 8 Origins, 200gr


SKU: 900043 Kategori: , , ,

Introducing Talasi's Watu Honey Collection: 200g x 8 Origins. Pure indulgence rooted in sustainability.

Honoring diverse Indonesian communities, fostering eco-friendly practices. Taste the richness of Bangka, Merapi, Kapuas Hulu, Rote, Ujung Kulon, Luwu, Kuansing, and Seulawah Agam. Honest, pure, and impactful.
What's you get:

- Watu Honey Merapi 200gr
- Watu Honey Luwu 200gr
- Watu Honey Kuansing 200gr
- Watu Honey Bangka 200gr
- Watu Honey Ujung Kulon 200gr
- Watu Honey Seulawah Agam 200gr
- Watu Honey Kapuas Hulu 200gr
- Watu Honey Kep. Rote 200gr