Earth Company’s Visit to Talasi at Batukaru

By Talasi Word -- November 29, 2022


About the Company

Recently, we at Talasi were grateful to have hosted Earth Company for our product journey at one of our Estates at Batukaru, Tabanan, in Bali. Earth Company is an impact-driven social enterprise that offers transformational support to change-makers, delivers inspiring educational programs, provides professional consulting services, and manages a next-generation eco-hotel in Ubud, Bali called Mana Earthly Paradise.

Based in Japan and Indonesia, the company was founded by Aska Hamakawa, Tomo Hamakawa, and Bella Galhos after the couple asked Bella to speak as their guest during the Unsung Heroes of Compassion from His Holiness the Dalai Lama award ceremony.

Aska and Tomo had worked in international development for over a decade when they met Bella in 2007 while they were all pursuing postgraduate studies at the University of Hawai’i. At the time, Bella was a scholarship awardee at the university studying to rebuild her home country Timor Leste. As a student, she would send part of her scholarship fund back to her homeland to support her extended family. Her life story inspired the couple to make a commitment to support her whenever she decided to take initiative.



A Delightful Product Journey at Our Batukaru Estate

During their visit to our Talasi Estate @ Batukaru, they went on our Product Journey to have a first-hand experience on our site and see for themselves our Talasi Five E Theory and the joy of making an impact on the grassroots communities while cultivating our land and our people together.

Here at the hills of Batukaru, we work closely with all the stakeholders to produce our premium products, with the main products at the Origin: Batukaru being coffee, cocoa and arenga.



Our Shared Values

Being a social enterprise, Earth Company share similar values with what we at Talasi hold as the foundation of our practices. Realizing that our current way of life is not sustainable, Earth Company takes action to find solutions for both environmental and social challenges. They envision a world in which individuals and companies take responsibility for the impact of their own actions on the future of this planet, and governments adopt a model of development that not only values but prioritizes human values and the future of the planet.

It is at their core philosophy at Earth Company that we as a species are not the sole owner of this planet, borrowing an old Native American proverb “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children.”

Building a better place for the generation to come is of the utmost importance for both Talasi and Earth Company. We are committed to doing that step-by-step by empowering, inspiring, and advising the communities and all the stakeholders involved.

Experience Product Journey at Talasi Estate @ Batukaru

Here at Talasi Estate @ Batukaru, we always welcome anyone who is interested in getting a first-hand experience of the clean air and the beautiful nature of our estate in Batukaru, Tabanan, Bali, while enjoying the product that we discover from this origin. Meet the farmers who grow our cocoa and coffee products and all the other stakeholders involved. Hear their stories, how they made our products into perfection, and be inspired.

Book your visit and explore Talasi Estate @ Batukaru with us. We will see you here.


Baca Selengkapnya

Bagaimana saya bisa berkontribusi? Bagaimana kita menciptakan mata pencaharian yang lebih baik? Bagaimana kita bisa memanfaatkan sumber daya alam yang melimpah dan memberi nilai lebih bagi kehidupan mereka. Ini adalah panggilan tujuan saya dan saya telah menghabiskan masa dewasa saya didalam bisnis untuk menambah nilai sumber daya alam Indonesia. 

Setelah beberapa hari di Sumba, saya mendapatkan energi kembali dan merasakan dorongan untuk memulai perjalanan baru. Usaha baru ini akan berbeda. Kali ini saya bermaksud untuk memberikan lebih banyak kekuatan kepada petani dalam menciptakan rantai berkelanjutan yang dapat memberikan nilai dan dampak pada kehidupan mereka. Dan saya beri nama perusahaan ini Talasi yang dalam bahasa sansekerta menggambarkan pohon yang selalu berbunga, berbuah dan daun baru, serta beraroma manis atau cornflower di Amerika Latin.

Talasi adalah tentang mengeksplorasi dan menemukan potensi dalam ketidakjelasan. Talasi adalah tentang menyiapkan dan beroperasi pada Origin itu. Talasi adalah tentang bekerja dengan komunitas, memberi mereka pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan alat. Berinvestasi di tingkat akar rumput dan menghubungkan rantai untuk melestarikan dan memelihara alam sambil meningkatkan mata pencaharian. Dengan tujuan akhir untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal.

Dengan terciptanya merek premium kami, Watu dan Toye di seluruh produk makanan dan bahan alami, setiap orang dapat menjadi bagian dari visi ini dengan setiap pembelian untuk mendukung nilai dan misi yang sama untuk memberdayakan komunitas akar rumput.

Kami akan segera melengkapi fasilitas kami dan retret di Sumba yang saat ini sedang memanggang kacang mete Watu kami. Dan Retret Batukaru Talasi, Bali dibuka awal tahun ini dengan Flores berikutnya.

Saya sangat senang dengan masa depan untuk "The Origin" dan saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menyampaikan undangan pribadi saya yang sederhana kepada setiap orang yang Anda kunjungi untuk mengunjungi kami dan "Experience Talasi".

Mari temukan the Origin,
Alisjahbana Haliman