Origin: Seulawah Agam, Aceh

Multifloral Honey – Seulawah Agam


Pure forest honey from stratovolcano Seulawah Agam, Aceh. Produced by wild Apis Dorsata bees.
100% pure, natural, halal, no added coloring, no added preservatives, no added sugar, purity tested by carbon isotope analyzer.

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Watu Multifloral Honey - Pure Forest Honey Seulawah Agam 400gr - AcehPure forest honey from stratovolcano Seulawah Agam, Aceh. Produced by wild Apis Dorsata bees. 100% pure, natural, halal, no added coloring, no added preservatives, no added sugar, purity tested by carbon isotope analyzer.    
Benefit: High in vitamin C, minerals and antibacteria that helps with indigestion and helps recovery.
Berat : 400gr
Taste notes: Fruity with taste like cotton candy.
Petunjuk Pemakaian
Serving suggestion: Direct consume 1 tbsp every morning and night or added to your drink & food as sweetener.
BPOM RI MD 152128071380
Sertifikat Halal MUI : LPPOM 120101310120