The Nine Variants of Our Watu Multifloral Honey

By Talasi Word -- Januari 30, 2023


Watu by Talasi: Our Premium Food Lineup

Introducing Watu by Talasi, a line of high-quality, natural, and organic products, brought to you by Talasi from all of our Origins. Each of our products is made with the highest standards of quality and ethical sourcing, supporting the local farmers and communities, as we are committed to sustainability and preserving the environment.

Watu Multifloral Honey

As part of our commitment, Talasi is proud for sourcing our Watu premium products from our Origins through environmentally-friendly practices, including our Watu Multifloral Honey. Our Watu Multifloral Honey is 100% pure, processed, and pasteurized, while still retaining all of its natural enzymes and vitamins. Hence, ensuring that they are of the highest quality.

Our honey products are great for those looking for a healthy and natural sweetener, while also supporting a good cause. We work to support local beekeeping communities, through education and training programs and providing them with the necessary equipment and training, as we believe in ethical trade principles, based on our Five E Theory.

Variant #1: Merapi

Madu Kaliandra - Merapi is one of our premium honey products from our Origin in Merapi, Central Java. This honey is made by bees that feed on the nectar of the Calliandra flower. The unique taste profile of this honey is sweet and creamy. It is rich in bee pollen, which is an antioxidant that can help to improve your skin health and reduce cholesterol levels. If you’re looking for high-quality honey that is both delicious and nutritious, Calliandra honey is an excellent choice.

Variant #2: Bukit Tigapuluh

Multifloral Honey – Bukit Tigapuluh is a unique honey product from our Origin in Bukit Tigapuluh, Sumatra. This honey is produced in partnership with a local conservatory group, ensuring that the honey is responsibly sourced and that the local ecosystem is protected. The taste profile of this multi-floral honey is sweet and citrusy. But the benefits of this multi-floral honey go beyond its delicious taste. The honey is known to boost your immune system, providing a natural way to help you stay healthy. Additionally, it can act as a source of energy and complex sugar, making it a great way to fuel your day.

Variant #3: Seulawah Agam

Multifloral Honey – Seulawah Agam is sourced from our Origin in Seulawah Agam stratovolcano area in Aceh. This honey is an eco-responsible harvested honey, ensuring that the honey is responsibly sourced and that the local ecosystem is protected. With a deep caramel taste profile, Seulawah Agam multi-floral honey is not just delicious, but it is also high in vitamin C and minerals, which can help with indigestion and body recovery. Additionally, regular consumption of this honey can help to improve your overall health and wellness.

Variant #4: Ujung Kulon

Multifloral Honey – Ujung Kulon is a unique honey product that is specially harvested from the nectar of Tongtolok flowers in our Origin in the Ujung Kulon National Park, Indonesia. This honey is known for its high level of anti-oxidant, making it a great addition to your daily diet. Moreover, it can also boost the appetite of children above two years old. You can support the local communities in Ujung Kulon who are involved in the harvesting and production process, through this sustainably harvested honey

Variant #5: Bangka

Multifloral Honey – Bangka is a premium honey product that is sourced from our Origin in the beautiful Bangka Island. Gathered from the nectar of different flowers, this multi-floral honey is an exotic mix of unique sweet-sour flavors that boasts the scent of various flowers from around the Origin. It contains methylglyoxal (MGO) and a high level of propolis, making it a powerful tool to fight against viruses and bacteria. This honey is a great addition to your daily routine if you want to boost your immune system and protect yourself from illnesses.

Variant #6: Kapuas Hulu

Multifloral Honey – Kapuas Hulu is a wild honey product that is sustainably harvested from our Origin in the remote and lush greeneries of Kapuas Hulu’s forest in West Kalimantan.

The taste profile of this honey is a unique mix of sweet and sour, making it a versatile honey that can be consumed at any time of the day, Kapuas Hulu multi-floral honey is also rich in vitamin C, low in carbohydrates, and can boost your immune system. It is an excellent choice that can be consumed regularly if you want to improve your overall health and wellness.

Variant #7: Kuansing

Multifloral Honey – Kuansing is freshly extracted from the nectars of forest flowers in our Origin in Kuansing, Indonesia. The natural taste of this wild honey is sweet and slightly sour, preserving all its natural goodness. This organic-certified honey is not only delicious but also packed with vitamins and minerals, making it a great addition to your daily diet. Additionally, it is a good source of energy that can help control your body weight, making it a great choice for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Variant #8: Rote

Multifloral Honey – Rote is a specialty honey product that is made from a blend of unique flowers that only grow in our Origin on Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara. This honey is sourced from the deep Pukuafu forests, where the hives are kept away from pollutants, ensuring that the honey is pure and of the highest quality. The taste of this multi-floral honey is rich and unique, reflecting the diverse range of flowers that the bees pollinate. The honey is rich in calcium and vitamin C and also high in fiber, making it great for your digestive system.

Variant #9: Luwu

Multifloral Honey – Luwu is sourced from our Origin in Luwu, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This multi-floral honey is made from a blend of different flowers, creating a unique and delicious taste. One of the key features of this honey is its high content of propolis, a natural substance produced by bees that has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Additionally, Luwu multi-floral honey has a low glycemic index, making it safe for people with diabetes to consume and also beneficial for your metabolism.

Shop Your Favourite Honey Variant

& Other Watu Products

Through our Watu Products, you can support what we do here in the Origins with the local communities. Help us maintain our practices by shopping for your favorite Watu premium products and be part of Talasi’s journey. Because we are glad to have you on board with us.

Baca Selengkapnya

Bagaimana saya bisa berkontribusi? Bagaimana kita menciptakan mata pencaharian yang lebih baik? Bagaimana kita bisa memanfaatkan sumber daya alam yang melimpah dan memberi nilai lebih bagi kehidupan mereka. Ini adalah panggilan tujuan saya dan saya telah menghabiskan masa dewasa saya didalam bisnis untuk menambah nilai sumber daya alam Indonesia. 

Setelah beberapa hari di Sumba, saya mendapatkan energi kembali dan merasakan dorongan untuk memulai perjalanan baru. Usaha baru ini akan berbeda. Kali ini saya bermaksud untuk memberikan lebih banyak kekuatan kepada petani dalam menciptakan rantai berkelanjutan yang dapat memberikan nilai dan dampak pada kehidupan mereka. Dan saya beri nama perusahaan ini Talasi yang dalam bahasa sansekerta menggambarkan pohon yang selalu berbunga, berbuah dan daun baru, serta beraroma manis atau cornflower di Amerika Latin.

Talasi adalah tentang mengeksplorasi dan menemukan potensi dalam ketidakjelasan. Talasi adalah tentang menyiapkan dan beroperasi pada Origin itu. Talasi adalah tentang bekerja dengan komunitas, memberi mereka pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan alat. Berinvestasi di tingkat akar rumput dan menghubungkan rantai untuk melestarikan dan memelihara alam sambil meningkatkan mata pencaharian. Dengan tujuan akhir untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal.

Dengan terciptanya merek premium kami, Watu dan Toye di seluruh produk makanan dan bahan alami, setiap orang dapat menjadi bagian dari visi ini dengan setiap pembelian untuk mendukung nilai dan misi yang sama untuk memberdayakan komunitas akar rumput.

Kami akan segera melengkapi fasilitas kami dan retret di Sumba yang saat ini sedang memanggang kacang mete Watu kami. Dan Retret Batukaru Talasi, Bali dibuka awal tahun ini dengan Flores berikutnya.

Saya sangat senang dengan masa depan untuk "The Origin" dan saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menyampaikan undangan pribadi saya yang sederhana kepada setiap orang yang Anda kunjungi untuk mengunjungi kami dan "Experience Talasi".

Mari temukan the Origin,
Alisjahbana Haliman