Commitment to Excellence:

A Truthful Label for Sustainable Futures

We formulate our dedication through one simple phrase: “Finest Things from the Origin”. Now, we believe the superlative word “finest” can take form and manifest in a lot of things. It could represent quality, the production chain, the packaging—pretty much everything can best represent the state of being the finest.

We aim to consider all those aspects while always prioritizing the origin of the local commodities used in the production of our products. We respect things obtained from nature and their sources. Why? We believe that by doing this, the standards we set for Talasi products can be met and exceed customer expectations.

We uphold sustainable farming practices, including fair trades with the communities that we work with, while preserving the land and providing the finest things from the origin. By adhering to our philosophy, we seek to deliver positive impacts on the areas of our operation and can cover all aspects to give it back—economically, socially, and environmentally speaking.

The next big question would be, “How are we going to do that?” It’s a question we will answer as we break down our focus and approach below.

Truthful Label for Natural Products

It’s said that honesty is the best policy. We take that to heart through incorporating a simple TRUTHFUL label on each of our new packaging. Everything written on each product label is traceable and presented as it is—from ingredients to place of origin to Halal and BPOM Certifications. Simple as it might be, it goes to show the level of transparency we wish to display for our customers.

at the Core of
the Finest Things

We design a production chain in a manner that addresses concerns over sustainability. We believe that by using this as a starting point, we can ensure a sustainable path that supports business continuity as thoroughly as environmental longevity.

Case in point, we innovate Dome Dryers to process our cashew, coffee, and cocoa. Each dome dryer is equipped with a wind-operated exhaust fan to absorb humidity and makes optimal use of solar energy to dry the local commodities, effectively bringing down carbon footprint as energy consumption lowers.

As for the honey we source for Watu products, we only harvest raw honey from the beehives that produce it. This way, other non-honey-producing bee hives can be maintained and kept safe to preserve the entire colonies.

Natural Products:
A Mission

Talasi’s commitment to providing natural products is also reflected through our social involvement with local communities. Our plan resulted in a rise in the number of smallholders. Additionally, we promoted gender inclusivity with job prospects, leading to a 60% women representation in Sumba.

Sustainability Through
Efficient Waste Management

Use of the aforementioned dome dryer is already a step forward in our carbon footprint-reducing efforts. Our dedication to this cause is further expressed through our Waste Water Management Treatment procedure, which incorporates stones and palm fibers. The wastewater is run through the filter materials, after which the processed water is collected and used for irrigation purposes.

Another path we take is related to the Cleaner and Greener Sumba movement. We implement this by using commodities of local origin, leading to a much shorter supply chain. A shorter supply chain translates into reduced transportation requirements, further bringing down energy consumption in the process.

On the subject of waste management, we show our commitment to processing all organic waste while finding ways to ensure a circular economy. Examples of this include repurposing coffee cherry waste as cascara tea, which is also a product we offer for the customers.

Complementing the All-Natural
Products View

Things don’t stop there. The packaging we use for our products are made of materials produced through the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) method. We recently ditched the bubble wrap for a more environmentally friendly alternative: citronella leaves. We use citronella to produce our to-yè Medicated Oil, leaving natural waste post-distillation. The discarded citronella leaves are then dried and repurposed as a layer inside a delivery box. This option serves a function similar to that of bubble wraps. Upon retrieval of the product, the lining can be disposed of as it is or be reused as a component in a compost system. Either way, the leaves will decompose naturally, leaving the immediate environment unharmed.

DISCOVER: Our Distinct Approach to Natural Products


D – Deliver honest products with truthful label

I – Invent better process and make use of all the waste

S – Seek and play a greater role in local economy

C – Create, train and transfer knowledge to the locals

O – Opt. for Environment friendly material

V – Value our farmers and work with them closely

E – Ensure that each product aims for a circular economy approach to manage and process all organic waste.

R – Reduce Carbon Footprint

It is our stance towards business operation and natural products as a whole and is best described as how we conduct our production processes, commit to keeping everything environmentally friendly, and make effort to give back and pay forward. 


Our journey and efforts are solely to create the best for you. With farmers and local operators at the place of origin being supported, empowered, and encouraged, the time is high for you to have a taste of our TRUTHFUL-ness.

Get on our official website to learn more about our products and to place an order or you can have them through your preferred marketplace.

Products are shipped in packaging layered with after distillation, dried citronella waste instead of bubble wrap, which is another way of us saying, “Let’s do better for the communities, for the economy, and, ultimately, for the planet.”

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Bagaimana saya bisa berkontribusi? Bagaimana kita menciptakan mata pencaharian yang lebih baik? Bagaimana kita bisa memanfaatkan sumber daya alam yang melimpah dan memberi nilai lebih bagi kehidupan mereka. Ini adalah panggilan tujuan saya dan saya telah menghabiskan masa dewasa saya didalam bisnis untuk menambah nilai sumber daya alam Indonesia. 

Setelah beberapa hari di Sumba, saya mendapatkan energi kembali dan merasakan dorongan untuk memulai perjalanan baru. Usaha baru ini akan berbeda. Kali ini saya bermaksud untuk memberikan lebih banyak kekuatan kepada petani dalam menciptakan rantai berkelanjutan yang dapat memberikan nilai dan dampak pada kehidupan mereka. Dan saya beri nama perusahaan ini Talasi yang dalam bahasa sansekerta menggambarkan pohon yang selalu berbunga, berbuah dan daun baru, serta beraroma manis atau cornflower di Amerika Latin.

Talasi adalah tentang mengeksplorasi dan menemukan potensi dalam ketidakjelasan. Talasi adalah tentang menyiapkan dan beroperasi pada Origin itu. Talasi adalah tentang bekerja dengan komunitas, memberi mereka pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan alat. Berinvestasi di tingkat akar rumput dan menghubungkan rantai untuk melestarikan dan memelihara alam sambil meningkatkan mata pencaharian. Dengan tujuan akhir untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal.

Dengan terciptanya merek premium kami, Watu dan Toye di seluruh produk makanan dan bahan alami, setiap orang dapat menjadi bagian dari visi ini dengan setiap pembelian untuk mendukung nilai dan misi yang sama untuk memberdayakan komunitas akar rumput.

Kami akan segera melengkapi fasilitas kami dan retret di Sumba yang saat ini sedang memanggang kacang mete Watu kami. Dan Retret Batukaru Talasi, Bali dibuka awal tahun ini dengan Flores berikutnya.

Saya sangat senang dengan masa depan untuk "The Origin" dan saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menyampaikan undangan pribadi saya yang sederhana kepada setiap orang yang Anda kunjungi untuk mengunjungi kami dan "Experience Talasi".

Mari temukan the Origin,
Alisjahbana Haliman