Origin: Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara

Multifloral Honey-Rote

(1 customer review)


Pure forest honey from unique multifloral that grow in Pukuafu forests, Rote Island, part of the East Nusa Tenggara. Produced by wild Apis Dorsata bees.
100% pure, natural, halal, no added coloring, no added preservatives, no added sugar, purity tested by carbon isotope analyzer.


Watu Multifloral Honey - Pure Forest Honey Rote Island 400gr - East Nusa TenggaraPure forest honey from unique multifloral that grow in Pukuafu forests, Rote Island, part of the East Nusa Tenggara. Produced by wild Apis Dorsata bees. 100% pure, natural, halal, no added coloring, no added preservatives, no added sugar, purity tested by carbon isotope analyzer.    
Benefit: Rich in polyfenol that has antioxidant to reduce free radical. Help to prevent the coronary heart disease and improve blood vessel damage. Also rich in MGO that has antiinflamation, antibacteria and antioxidant to help fight against viruses, bacteria, flu, cough, and fever.
Weight : 400gr
Taste notes: Floral, fruity and slightly taste like caramel.
Serving suggestion: Direct consume 1 tbsp every morning and night or added to your drink & food as sweetener.
BPOM RI MD 152128019380
Sertifikat Halal MUI : LPPOM 120101310120