Watu Honey Multifloral: 100% Madu Murni, 0% Kontaminasi, Terbukti Uji Isotope Analyzer

Mencari madu murni tanpa campuran dan gula tambahan?

Watu Honey Multifloral adalah jawabannya! Madu ini telah melalui uji Isotope Analyzer yang membuktikan 0% kontaminasi dan 100% kemurnian.

Apa itu Uji Isotope Analyzer?

Uji Isotope Analyzer merupakan metode ilmiah terdepan untuk menganalisis keaslian madu. Uji ini mendeteksi rasio isotop stabil dalam madu, yang dapat menunjukkan asal usul dan kemurniannya. Madu yang terkontaminasi atau dicampur dengan gula tambahan akan menunjukkan rasio isotop yang berbeda dari madu murni.

Watu Honey Multifloral:

  • Dihasilkan oleh lebah yang mengisap nektar dari berbagai bunga di alam bebas
  • Memiliki rasa manis alami dan aroma bunga yang khas
  • Kaya akan vitamin, mineral, dan enzim yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan
  • Bebas dari bahan kimia berbahaya
  • Telah teruji di laboratorium dan terbukti 100% madu murni

Manfaat Madu Murni:

  • Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
  • Membantu melancarkan pencernaan
  • Meredakan batuk dan sakit tenggorokan
  • Meningkatkan kualitas tidur
  • Menjaga kesehatan kulit

Watu Honey Multifloral: Pilihan Tepat untuk Kehidupan Sehat

Watu Honey Multifloral adalah pilihan tepat bagi Anda yang mencari madu murni dan berkualitas tinggi. Madu ini aman dikonsumsi oleh semua orang, termasuk anak-anak di atas 18 bulan dan ibu hamil.

Watu Honey Multifloral: The Purest Taste of Nature.

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How can I contribute? How do we create a better livelihood? How can we use the abundant natural resources and add more value to their lives. This was my purpose calling and I have spent my adult life in the business of adding value to Indonesian natural resources. 

After a few days in Sumba, I was reenergized and felt the urge to start a new journey. This new endeavor will be different. This time I intended to bring more power to the smallholders and farmers in creating a sustainable chain that can give value and impact on their lives. And I named this enterprise Talasi which in sanskrit depicts trees that always bear flowers, fruits and new leaves, and a sweet fragrance or cornflower in Latin America.

Talasi is about exploring and discovering the potential in the obscurity. Talasi is about setting up and operating at the Origin. Talasi is about working with the community, providing them with knowledge, skills and tools. Investing at the grassroots level and connecting the chain to sustain and maintain nature while enhancing livelihoods. With the end game of empowerment to the people of the land.

With the creation of our premium honest brands, Watu and Toye across food and natural ingredient products, everyone can be part of this vision with each purchase in support of the same values and mission to empower the grassroots communities.

We will soon complete our full facilities and retreat in Sumba which is currently roasting our Watu cashews. And our Batukaru Talasi Retreat, Bali opened earlier this year with Flores next in line.

I am excited about what the future holds for “the Origin” and I would like to take this opportunity to extend my personal humble invitation to each and everyone you to visit us and “Experience Talasi”.

Let’s discover the Origin,
Alisjahbana Haliman